e/moji graphy: the essence of kanji, visually


库存 2 件



emoji. You might expect this book to be about those bright ­yellow smileys. Yet, emoji means picture-writing, or pictogram, with the Japanese word holding two parts: e (絵) for picture, and moji (文字) for character, letter, or complete writing system.

kanji. You might have heard that kanji—the Japanese term for Chinese characters—is ideographic; that you can always ‘read’ the meaning within the form. That’s a myth! The main body of kanji is phono-logographic, or linked to both pronunciation and meaning.

e/moji graphy: the essence of kanji, visually is the third volume in Mariko Takagi’s series on the Japanese writing system, following Hanzi Graphy (in English) and Kanji Graphy (in German). With its new clarity and terminology, this book is an indispensable guide for people interested in visualising the intersections of writing, reading, typography, and culture.



重量 0,29 公斤
尺寸 21,5 × 15 × 2,8 厘米

e/moji graphy: the essence of kanji, visually


Mariko Takagi


MCCM Creations




March 2022










Hardcover with linen spine and thread binding


Mariko Takagi

Mariko Takagi is a graphic designer, typographer and book designer who has been teaching typography at design institutes in Germany and Hong Kong for more than a decade. She has also authored and designed several books: An Invitation for Tea (Eine Einladung zum Tee), Drawing with Sounds (Mit Lauten Malen), and Dear Aliens in Japan 2: a short introduction for newcomers to Japan (An die Aliens in Japan 2 — eine kleine Anleitung für Japananfänger) among others, which touch on her unique German-Japanese cultural background. Inspired by the traditional Chinese characters (hanzi), Takagi presents Hanzigraphy from a visual communication perspective. Recently she is deepening her research in Japanese and Chinese writing system in relation to typographic expression. E/moji graphy: the essense of kanji, visually was published in 2022.



MCCM Creations

MCCM Creations,香港出版社,2001年成立,出版範疇包括視覺文化、建築、設計、藝術、詩歌及繪本。出版社相信書的製作不止於文字和圖像,它是一個整合想像、意念、情感、經驗和工藝的創造過程;每本書更是作者、編輯和平面設計師的結緣。

跨體裁、雙語/多種語言是 MCCM 出版物的特色,正如出版社身處的城市香港一樣,繁雜而多元。MCCM 的作者有部分是土生土長的香港 人,也有在香港生活了二、三十年的「老外」,他們在自己的專業領域和生活中累積經驗與知識,無形地支撐着城市文化的滋長,讀者往往可以從他們的書中找到各種閱讀城市的獨特視野和方法。

Since entering the world of book publishing in 2001, MCCM’s aspirations have remained consistent to bring readers original and inspiring books from authors and designers who share a passion for books as objects, as well as a strong desire for exploring hybrid concepts.

​MCCM titles are about the visualisation of experiences, stories and perceptions through the printed word, images and sound. We live in an age where people move freely across boundaries and inhabit areas of virtual space that intertwine to create new concepts and ways of living. These cross-disciplinary realities are at the core of MCCM fusing illustration, visual art, design, architecture, photography, socio-culture, and literature. Diversified as they are, our titles have ‘crossover’ appeals to different age groups and interest groups.

MCCM titles have a strong cultural slant that falls into two broad categories: visual culture books related to architecture, art, and design in Hong Kong and neighbouring regions, and illustrated fiction and picture books for children and young adults with the aim of nurturing intellectual and aesthetic development beyond the regular school syllabus. A majority of our titles are published in English or in bilingual (Chinese-English) editions.



